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A customer testimonial or story.


  • Spina bifida
  • Parkinson’s disease 


  • Unable to weight bear and mobilise
  • Unsafe transfers 

Functional benefits:

  • Hi-lo function

Description of case:

Simon is 67 years old; he has a diagnosis of spina bifida and Parkinson’s, and lives with his wife, Sue, who is his main carer. Over time, Simon’s level of function and mobility has deteriorated, and he is no longer able to weight bear and mobilise. Simon is however, able to bottom shuffle and crawl on all fours and this is his preferred method of mobilising around his property. Simon uses a wheelchair for all outdoor mobility.

Main issues:

Simon uses all his strength and assistance from Sue, to pull himself up onto his stair lift and wheelchair from the floor. To transfer off the furniture, Simon carefully lowers himself to the ground. This is a challenging task, which places Simon and Sue at risk of injury. Alternative interventions have been explored, however Simon has advised that this is his preferred method, and Sue continues to support him.

Bed transfers involve the additional challenge of raising and lowering Simon’s legs on and off the bed. This transfer became too difficult for Simon even with assistance from Sue, and so Simon has become dependent on a mobile hoist, which Sue uses to transfer him between the floor and the bed for each transfer.

Both Simon and Sue have found this restrictive, as he and Sue need to coordinate their morning routines to ensure that Sue is available to assist with hoisting Simon out of bed. Once out of bed, Simon is able to independently access the wet room facility and manage his own personal care.


A FloorBed was put into place for a trial. Prior to transferring into the bed, the bed is lowered to its lowest point of 71 mm from the ground.


Simon immediately demonstrated that he is able to safely and independently transfer between the floor and the bed with ease, including raising and lowering his legs, eliminating the need for a hoist or assistance from Sue. With the bed at the lowest point, it is easily accessible for Simon to either bottom shuffle or crawl onto the bed, or lower himself onto the ground from the bed.

Simon strives to be as independent as possible with each of his daily tasks and struggles to retain his dignity. The FloorBed enables Simon to be more autonomous, giving back a measure of independence and self-esteem.

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