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24 hour positioning as sensorimotor integration therapy for people with more progressed dementia

On Demand
Up-coming Webinar

In this webinar we will focuses on how the progressive deterioration of an individual with dementia impacts on sensory needs, and that by addressing these needs we can effectively support individuals with progressing dementia; with the aims of preserving body shape and enhancing quality of life. Participants will learn about implementing a sensory-informed and stabilizing positioning concept, which focusses on addressing the root causes rather than merely the symptoms. The approach adopted aims to manage known issues such as paratonia, fetal posture, contractures, structural movement restrictions & postural deviations, pressure ulcers and challenging care situations

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Meet our Experts:

Jo De Clercq

Jo De Clercq

Jo has been working as a physiotherapist for people with dementia for over 20 years, primarily at the elderly nursing care home De Wingerd in Leuven. Currently, Jo serves as an Expert in Care Innovation and ComfortCare for the Woonzorgnet Dijleland group, which includes De Wingerd. Through Jo's business, ComfortCare, he has been providing training globally for more than 10 years."

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December 12, 2024 10:30 AM

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