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Product Demonstration

Pressure ulcers - To sit or not to sit

On Demand
Up-coming Webinar

In this session we will explore the critical clinical reasoning process around whether you can sit out of bed with a pressure area. To celebrate OT week and Stop the pressure week, we wish to recognise the  importance of collaborative working. 

This session will explore the risks of sitting and the risks of staying in bed. We wish to  help clients make informed seating decisions to promote comfort, healing,  function and overall well being.

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This webinar will be released on: 
November 20, 2024

Learning Outcomes

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Meet our Experts

Heidi Sandoz
Heidi Sandoz
Tissue Viability Services Lead

Heidi has been a Tissue Viability Nurse since 2002. Her interest and passion in the prevention and management of pressure ulcers began, however, in 1987 on registering as a nurse. She has worked in both acute and community care. She is currently the part-time Tissue Viability Services Lead for Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust.

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips
Occupational Therapist

Nicky is a dedicated Occupational Therapist with over 16 years of experience, specializing in disability, posture, and seating. She has worked in both inpatient and community settings, and most recently served as a seating therapist within the HSE.

Useful resources

Pressure ulcers - To sit or not to sit

Take a closer look at the slides presented by Nicky and Heidi.

View the presentation slides
View the presentation slides

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