Introducing the Accora chair range - Which chair should I choose?
This session will provide an overview of the Accora chair range and how they have been designed to promote independence. There are several factors to consider to ensure clinical outcomes are met when it comes to choosing the right chair for a service user, the overview of our products covered in this webinar will aim to assist in choosing the appropriate chair for your service users needs in relation to size, pressure and postural issues.
Learning Outcomes
- To improve knowledge of the functions and features of the Accora chair range - to include Configura Lite 2, Porter, Comfort, Advance and Bariatric chairs.
- To outline important factors which affect chair selection, such as transfer method, size, pressure and posture.
- To discuss the clinical benefits of the Chair range in relation to specific client groups.
- Live demonstration of the Accora Chair range.
Meet our Experts
Jayne qualified as an OT in 1996 and has a wide range of clinical experience in acute and community settings. Her recent experience has been in Community Equipment Stores providing training and support to prescribers and commissioners.
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