Continuous pressure monitoring - identification of posture issues and how it helps pressure ulcer prevention
This webinar explores the use of continuous pressure monitoring to identify high risk areas using patient case studies.
Learning Outcomes
- Have a greater understanding of how to use Continuous Pressure Monitoring as a tool that can provide valuable, visual information that supports your assessment of the patient’s posture and prevention of pressure damage
- Have a greater insight into the impact of CPM on the patients QOL
- Have an understanding of the clinical outcomes that can be achieved
Meet our Experts
Nicci qualified in 1987, undertaking District Nurse training in 1990. After working as DN sister Nicci commenced the District Nurse Lead nurse post. In 2001 Nicci became Strategic Lead for Tissue Viability Services in Cornwall Community. Nicci has been awarded several grants to investigate the use of Continuous Pressure Monitoring in the community to prevent pressure ulcers. The latest of which is A Scaling Up PROMISE – Pressure Reduction through Continuous Pressure Monitoring in the Community Setting could be used to enhance patient care and help patients to maintain their lifestyle choices –This work has resulted in winning “Tissue Viability Nurse of the Year” 2016 and the PROMISE teams being awarded BJN Runner Up “Wound Care Nurse of the Year” 2021. Nicci was awarded the Chief Nurse Silver Award in 2021
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