Communication matters it helped me flourish
This webinar discusses the importance of communication and the effect good and bad communication has on service user outcomes. Listening compassionately improves wellbeing and allows us to flourish so we can be the best versions of ourselves in the community.
Learning Outcomes
- Communication has a profound effect on service user outcomes
- The importance of active listening
- The importance of delivering holistic care
Meet our Experts:

Kate Allatt
Dr Allatt astonishingly recovered from the rare condition, Locked In Syndrome, after her brainstem stroke at the age of 39. She wrote about her ‘buried alive’ experiences in her internationally published book ‘Running Free: Breaking out of Locked In Syndrome’. She has dedicated her life since to disrupting global, young stroke and disability issues. Her advocacy and global media notoriety about the improvement possibilities led to a surge from other families seeking her help who are affected by LIS worldwide.