You Matter! exploring wellbeing for health and social care professionals
This webinar will focus on the value of personal and professional self-care, provide practical tips for techniques and strategies that can be used both in and out of work to promote good wellbeing and offer a safe setting for time for reflection.
Learning Outcomes
- To consider self-care in relation to you personally and professionally
- To have space and time to reflect on your current demands
- To learn about and identify techniques you can use to promote good wellbeing
Meet our Experts
Kate Jackson is an Independent Occupational Therapist based in Leicester. She has worked in Mental Health services in the NHS, as a Lecturer in Higher Education and as a Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist in a Hospice setting, among her roles. Kate is a trained Mindfulness Teacher and has an MA in Mental Health Studies. She currently runs her practice ‘Wellbeing Therapy Solutions’ in Leicester, offering mental health focused Occupational Therapy.
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