Pressure Ulcer Prevention - No thank you
On occasions, individuals may decline a suggested care intervention which may lead to increased risk and conflict with staff wishing to add in these interventions. This webinar explores why people may make decisions about their care that healthcare professionals find challenging. Why HCPs find these decisions challenging. What national guidance there is around this topic. What you can do when a person decides not to adhere to suggested care interventions.
Learning Outcomes
- To consider why people may decline care interventions
- To be aware of national guidance and research into concordance/adherence
- To be aware of shared decision-making and what this means
- To understand what to do when concordance cannot be achieved
Meet our Experts
Heidi has been a Tissue Viability Nurse since 2002. Her interest and passion in the prevention and management of pressure ulcers began, however, in 1987 on registering as a nurse. She has worked in both acute and community care. She is currently the part-time Tissue Viability Services Lead for Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust.
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