Introducing the JuniorBed - reducing risk for smaller individuals
In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the children's standard (BS EN:50637 2017), introduce the features, functions, and accessories of the JuniorBed range, and explore the clinical benefits of the ultra-low FloorBed® function.
Learning Outcomes
- An overview of the children’s standard (BS EN:50637 2017)
- Introduction to the features, functions and accessories of the JuniorBed range
- Discover the clinical benefits of the ultra-low FloorBed® function, including promoting independent transfers, enabling safe bed mobility and reducing risk of bed falls and associated injuries
Meet our Experts
Since qualifying in 2006, Debra has worked as an occupational therapist in both community and in-patient environments. After three years on a mixed NHS and social care rotation, Debra moved to Brent local authority, where she worked for 5 years. In 2014 Debra split her role between managing her own caseload in the private sector and Barnet local authority’s equipment provision service. Debra now runs our seating assessment training programme.
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