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Product Demonstration

The link between nutrition, pressure ulcer prevention and wound healing

On Demand
Up-coming Webinar

Our skin is the largest organ of the body and acts as a barrier to our internal systems that are essential for our health and well-being. Within this webinar you will learn about taking positive steps with your patient’s nutrition to ensure you are doing all you can for your patients to improve their skin integrity, to give the best outcome to prevent any breakdown and if a wound or pressure damage occurs, how you can put in place strategies to heal these wounds using nutrition.

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This webinar will be released on: 
May 30, 2023

Learning Outcomes

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Meet our Experts

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Tissue Viability Nurse

Sarah has always had a keen interest in Tissue Viability since becoming a registered nurse in 2002. Her experience varies from within a community setting, where she completed her Tissue Viability based degree in 2007. She then worked within the private sector to gain additional advanced wound care skills whilst working with a medical devices company specialised in wound healing. In 2010, Sarah became a Tissue Viability Nurse and shaped a specialised service within the acute sector for 7 years before returning to the community setting as a TVN.

Tracy Wothers
Tracy Wothers
Nutrition Nurse Specialist

Tracy has worked as a registered nurse since 2004 and has always had an interest in nutrition. Spending much of her career in different critical cares Tracy worked on various nutrition initiatives around artificial feeding – including naso-gastric feeding and parenteral nutrition. By 2011 Tracy moved on to become a Nutrition Nurse Specialist covering all aspects of patient nutrition. During this time Tracy became an active member of the National Nurses Nutrition Group, becoming Secretary in 2016. By 2017 Tracy moved into Cancer Services, first working as a upper gastrointestinal and hepato/pancreatic/biliary Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist.

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Ready to see how Accora products can make a difference?