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Specialist seating, beds, and mattresses

Affordable specialist seating, profiling beds, and pressure mattresses designed for both home and care environments.

Configura chairs

Browse our range of specialist riser recliner chairs, with full adjustability to cater for differing size, pressure care, and postural management needs.

Image of a medical chair.

Profiling Beds

Our range of low to ultra-low profiling beds offers a perfect blend of practicality, functionality, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics, keeping in mind the diverse needs of patients, carers, and environment.

Allevia Mattresses

Our pressure mattress range incorporates a  simple “step up/step down” colour-coded system to make mattress selection easy. Within our range, we provide static, hybrid and dynamic options tailored to individuals at various risk levels for developing pressure ulcers.

Image of an Allevia mattress.

Ready to see how Accora products can make a difference?
