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Accora Configura rise and recline chair.

Saving costs through reducing specials, increasing re-issue and recycling

Read how Accora's Configura chair filled the gap between basic chairs and specials; reducing costs, increasing re-issuing and supporting healthcare professionals through comprehensive training programmes.


Wiltshire local authority issued a basic, single motor 3 -way chair and if that was not appropriate, specialist chairs were considered. The specialist chairs were costly at around £2,000-£3,000, were difficult to adjust and clean and tended to be problematic to re-issue.


The Configura chair was identified as a product that could fill the ‘middle ground’ between the basic chairs and specials, and thereby reduce the number of specials required. After being on contract for about 2 years, Wiltshire were able to demonstrate a marked reduction in expenditure on special chairs and increased re-issuing and recycling at the same time. Effectively the Configura Rise and Recline chair became a ‘stock special’.


Accora worked with Wiltshire to implement an extensive training programme which was delivered to Health and Social Care Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Tissue Viability Nurses (TVNs) across the county. ‘Seating champions’ were also identified in key geographic areas who were trained to a higher level to enable them to deliver training sessions to their colleagues, to cover for staff rotation and new starters. Bespoke training sessions were also developed for TVNs and District Nurses across Wiltshire, to enable them to set up pressure care cushions confidently. Overall Configura chairs proved to be a cost-effective solution which helped improve the provision of specialist chairs and better met service users’ needs.

Image of a medical chair.

Configura Chairs

Configura Chairs

Our range of specialist riser recliner chairs, are fully adjustable to cater for differing size, pressure care and postural management needs.

Image of a medical chair.

More case studies

Read how Accora products have greatly impacted skilled nursing, rehabilitation and long term care communities.

Worcestershire County Council improved chair provision by adopting Configura riser recliners.

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Ready to see how Accora products can make a difference?