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Product Demonstration

From observation to action: addressing red flags in postural management and pressure care

On Demand
Up-coming Webinar

Given her experience of working with individuals with complex postural presentations, Sabrina will discuss insights into where she would consider early interventions for sitting and lying to be essential for management of the physical condition and skin integrity. She will also discuss red flags for sitting and lying, such as common early biomechanical risk factors and support surfaces.

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This webinar will be released on: 
May 16, 2025

Learning Outcomes

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Meet our Experts

Sabrina Robinson
Sabrina Robinson
Highly Specialist Physiotherapist

Sabrina is a course lecturer in posture management for people with complex disability (Oxford's 4 day posture course). She also regularly guest lectures at Oxford Brookes University as a specialist for the physiotherapy programme.

Jenny Rolfe
Jenny Rolfe
Consultant Occupational Therapist

Jenny is a senior occupational therapist. She qualified in 1997 and completed her MSc in Neuro-rehabilitation in 2007. She has worked in Neurological Rehabilitation at the Battle Hospital in Reading, and the Rivermead Rehabilitation Centre in Oxford which became part of the Oxford Centre for Enablement in 2000. She moved into the Specialist Disability Service at the OCE from where she joined the Oxford MND Centre in January 2007.

Since August 2009 Jenny has been funded full-time by the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association to develop NHS wheelchair services across the UK, to improve wheelchair provision for people living with MND.

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Ready to see how Accora products can make a difference?